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Another busy month for our little class. Take a look at what we have been up to.
2-D Shapes 🟡
In maths we have been learning about 2-D shapes. We went on a shape hunt around the school and used lots of concrete materials to help us learn this new topic.

Oíche Shamhna 🎃
For Gaeilge we have been learning about Oíche Shamhna. We drew ourselves dressed up in different costumes. Tá mé gléasta mar _____.

Maths Week ➕➖➗✖️
We did lots of different activities to celebrate Maths Week 2022. Incorporating maths into our PE lesson was a highlight.

Science – Light 💡
For sceince we have been learning about light. We did an investigation to see if different matierals were opaque, translucent or transparent.

Visual Arts 🎨
Our strand for October has been clay. We created Hedgehogs and Witches Cauldrons using clay, paint and glitter.

Music Generation 🎵
The keyboard was a big hit with 1st Class this month.