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In school we have been learning about different styles of poetry. We learned how to do acrostic poems. You pick a topic for example weather or ice-cream and write it down the side of your page vertically. Then you think of sentences to do with your topic. We looked at some power points, read some acrostic poems and then we tried it out for ourselves.
Weather can sometimes be good or bad,
Either way you might survive,
Also be careful,
There can be dangerous weather,
Here it comes
Everyone run!
Running as fast as you can. Quick it’s coming!
– By Logan

Loves football
Eats a lot
On time for school most days
Never gives up
Enjoys playing video games
George Ezra is the best singer ever
Always try’s his best
Never gets to stay up late
– By Leon
After acrostics we looked at Limerick poems. They are five lines long, the 1st, 2nd and 5th lines have to rhyme and the 3rd and 4th lines have to rhyme too. Limericks are normally silly or funny poems. These were a little harder to do but still very fun. Here are some examples of limerick poems we created:
The Cat with the Hat
There once was a very big cat
Who liked to wear a small hat
The hat was pink
It fell in the sink
So she went to cry on the mat
– By Noah
The Martian
There once was a man who went to Mars
He married a martian who sold cars
They got married by a mouse
Right in front of our house
And every night they look at the stars.
– By Hannah