Letters to Cloonamahon Residents
Thank you to all the pupils in 2nd class for writing letters to the residents of Cloonamahon.
Morning Mile
Well done to the pupils of 6th and 5th who have resumed the morning mile run every morning. More classes will join them in the New Year.
Music Generation
Some classes have had the pleasure of the Music Generation tutors this term and the rest will avail of this in the New Year.
Elf on the Shelf
We have had reports from several classes where there have been elves causing havoc. They seem to be enjoying their time in our school.
Active Flag
We have taken up the baton of achieving the Active Flag for Scoil Mhuire Agus Iosaf. We will post updates as we make progress on this.
Keeping School Tidy
A big thank you to all the pupils of 6th class who are doing an excellent job of keeping the school tidy with litter picking and sweeping among other jobs
New Hepa Filter/Air Purifiers
Following Department of Education recommendations we have recently purchased new Hepa Filter/Air Purifiers for each classroom.
Christmas Wishes
Áthbhlian Nua Faoi Mhaise Dhaoibh.
Wishing all of you a very peaceful Christmas and New Year. School resumes on the 6th of January.
From Paul and staff