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New years resolutions
We started off the first few days back to school, making resolutions and goals for the year 2022.

We worked on 2D shapes this month. We constructed various 2D shapes to identify the properties of each shape and we also integrated angles and symmetry into this topic.

Fresh today presentations
We were extremely busy with project work this month. We created amazing PowerPoints both at home and at school for our meeting with Ken Horgan from Fresh today. We were able to send our projects to one another both at home and at school through our platform google classroom. We worked really hard on these projects and we were delighted with the feedback we got.

Football Tournament
Thanks to Mr.Higgins for organising and refereeing the football tournament.
We are extremely lucky and delighted to get the opportunity to play in the tournament!

We loved experimenting with weaving and print. We enjoyed making coats/bodies for our dog pieces. They looked cool!