Church View, Collooney, Co. Sligo F91 A076 | (071) 9167763
We have had great fun getting involved in exercising in the classroom for our Active Green Flag. We have been doing activities from the Irish Heart ❤️ Foundation website. Our favourites are Funky Fruit Movements, Dance Dice 🎲 and the time/activity jars 🏃🏼🏃🏽♀️😅😅
In art the children made river animals using clay. They made river otters, fish and even a platypus!!!!
Scríobh na páistí faoin theach féin sa Gaeilge. Úsáid said focail nua mar shampla thíos straighre, thuas staighre agus mo theach. Bhí siad an-bhródúil faoin obair féin. Maith sibh rang a trí.
The children learned all about cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones, triangular prisms, spheres and pyramids in Maths. They were really good at spotting shapes around the classroom so we decided to take a walk around the grounds of the school. They found lots of shapes using their Maths eyes 👀 and were really surprised 😲 how many they spotted!! The blue shed, timber sheds, the oil tank, window boxes, the prefabs, chimneys, chimney pots, a basketball 🏀 and the railings outside some classrooms to name but a few!!!
In Maths, the children set out to find out if 3D shapes roll or slide. The children also experimented with stacking some of the shapes. They found that shapes that have flat faces stack easily é.g. Cube, cuboid, cylinder and shapes with curved faces slide and roll é.g. Cylinder, cones, spheres.
We looked at the effect of sugar on our teeth. A boiled egg, to represent the enamel, was placed in a jar of Coke and left overnight. Next a toothbrush 🪥 was used to take the dark colour off the shell of the egg using a circular motion. The children were amazed at how dark the shell had become because of the sugar in the coke. They said that they will be more mindful of brushing their teeth after drinking sugary drinks 🥤.
In Science, the children learned about keeping healthy how important it is to look after our lungs 🫁.
Before doing our exercises we took our pulse rate. We noted that the rate got much higher and our breathing 😮💨 was a lot faster.
We learned all about Vikings and The Norse Gods in History during the month of November. The children presented their own individual projects based on various aspects of what they learned for example how they dressed, their weapons, longships, what their homes were like, how they came to settle in Ireland. They were so proud to stand up in front of the class and show their very impressive projects. 3rd class Superstars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👏👏